Monday, November 07, 2005

Bandicoots lurk in my backyard

The other day I discovered termites in the laundry. I thought I better call the landlord before the house fell over.
He turned up with the pest control man, a big friendly
Samoan .
My landlord is a little bit.........gone. At least something has left him and he can ask you the same question 3 or 4 times.
He was freaking out about the termites and I said "You know there are bandicoots living in this backyard (which is quite rare).
He looked horrorfied."Oh no we'll have to get rid of them too." He looked fearfully around the backyard like they might pounce on him. I don't know if he had bandicoots confused with another animal like saltwater crocodiles.
I try to convince him bandicoots were cute and furry and almost extinct but he would have none of it, he could sense their evil presence. They seem harmless and shy to me but maybe I should be more careful in future.

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